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The latest in the continuing series, by Mee Rich Yee, of
“Chinese Food around the World”
I always try to find a Chinese restaurant, if possible, wherever I travel. I have found Chinese restaurants in England, Ireland, Scotland, Bahamas, Rome, Venice, etc, and my latest discovery, was in Lyon, France. The name of this restaurant was ENGIMONO. It is located on the same side of the Rhone River as the University of Lyon.
Me and Mee Pee Wee C (pictured above right) discovered it by looking online, for Chinese restaurants, within walking distance of the Sofitel Hotel. And this restaurant came highly recommended on sites like Trip Advisor. While the staff only spoke French and Chinese, and I spoke neither, we communicated in broken – English, combined by pointing.
The Menu
(Click either image above to enlarge)
The restaurant must do great local business, because it was packed, on a Wednesday night at about 7:30 PM, with all tables occupied, both inside the restaurant and on the street. We were accommodated quickly, when the hostess brought out a table and a couple of chairs, and set them up, on the sidewalk next door to the restaurant. We kidded, we were given Laundromat View, because that was the next – doors business!
We shared a large Wonton – type soup, which was delicious. We also ordered a Shrimp appetizer, as well as a Shrimp and a Beef main course, all of which were delicious. Authentic, but obviously different from what we get in New York.
Initially, we thought we found one of the rare Chinese restaurants in Lyon. But during a subsequent walk, actually found Lyon’s Chinatown:

Lyon’s Chinatown – Chinese New Year feast, on Passet street. On the left is Gérard Collomb, Lyon city mayor. (Photo Credit: FredD)
I highly recommend, wherever you might travel, experiencing some Chinese food, at a local restaurant. I’ve always found it worth the experience!
by Mee Rich Yee, nee Richard Brody
The Chinese Quest welcomes original articles pertaining to the Chinese dining experience. Your article should pertain to Chinese restaurants, Chinese food, etc. For more information, please contact us.
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Love the photos of the town… so French-looking. But of course, they would have Chinese food. It’s universal, isn’t it? Perhaps not on the moon, but surely it will go to Mars.
As soon as one is discovered, or when the first Chinese restaurant opens on the Moon, you know that The Chinese Quest will be there! Unless, of course, Rich and his wife beat us there!!
I love seeing these pictures, and reading these stories, of Chinese restaurants around the world!
Where in the World will Mee Rich Yee and Mee Pee Wee C travel next? Anyone want to post suggestions for them?
Where, outside of China of course, can they try some Chinese food where they haven’t gone yet??