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  1. Had the most marvelous meal last night at East (the one at 60-06 Main St…..immediately off the LIE.)
    Their clams in black bean sauce were unparalleled….there were also snails on the menu! Pork chops in orange sauce had bits of oranges scattered in the dish. A special soup and a spicy chicken dish finished our meal. It is bring your own bottle, and there is a bakery on the next corner.

  2. why does the conversation about Long Island begin at the Nassau county border when Long Island actually begins at the East River? Brooklyn and Queens should be part of this conversation, especially if you want to eat good ethnic food of any type.
    NY is the only geography that takes this short cut, if you expanded to other cities you wouldn’t eliminate half of an Island.

    • You are correct Sir!

      And the Mee’s have already started a virtual Tribunal on this very subject since we received your comment.

      A decision is eminent (keep your eyes to the sky to see which color the smoke is).

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