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It’s Better In The Bahamas
But The Chinese Quest Must Continue!
For 35 years, I have been returning on a somewhat regular basis to New Providence Island in the Bahamas. This is the largest of the Bahamian islands by population and services, but NOT by size, and includes Nassau (the capital), Paradise Island, and Cable Beach, plus several other areas. While there have always been many Chinese restaurants on the island, I have generally avoided most of them in the past, because when you are from New York, you don’t generally seek a bagel, Chinese food, or a great hot dog when you travel. Despite this, I have often gone for Chinese food while I traveled elsewhere, but rarely here in the Bahamas. On this trip, however, because of my undying loyalty and allegiance to the Chinese Quest, I considered making a stop to one.
The Bahamas is rightly known for its sun, sand, beaches, water, great gourmet restaurants, as well as terrific eateries dedicated to local cuisine. I always make a point in the course of a week to trying to mix it up, going to 2 or 3 gourmet restaurants, a couple of local ones, and some others that interest me. In general, I hate Chinese restaurants that are overly commercial or fancy, but far more interested in the quality and taste of the food.
Buried Treasure! A Good Chinese Restaurant in the Bahamas
Staying in the Cable Beach section of the island, I noticed a neighborhood – looking Chinese restaurant across West Bay Street in the Henrea Carlette Plaza, known simply as WOK N ROLL. Open approximately 2 years, it was nestled into this strip center, and from the outside looked like a simple place. I checked Travel Advisor and asked a few locals, and was told it was worth going to. So, accompanied by my wife, Mee Pee Wee C (who was brought up eating New England Chinese food, especially in Boston’s Chinatown, before learning the superiority of New York Chinese cuisine), we crossed the street (remember look both ways), and entered into a restaurant that could have fit in nearly anywhere. Clean and neat, this small to medium sized place pleasantly greeted us, with a combination of nice service, far better than average food (Cantonese- style), very large portions, and unexpectedly fair prices (especially for the Bahamas). We experienced some delicious in-restaurant made appetizers, and every dish was tasty and prepared superbly. The portions were enormous and we took home the leftovers, which we enjoyed the next day.
Both Mee Pee Wee C and I enjoyed the food, and look forward to going back on our next trip to the island towards the end of the year. Perhaps this is another reason that It’s Better In The Bahamas!
—Mee Rich Yee nee Richard Brody
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