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Time is Money
Yes, the Chinese Quest is all about finding you the best Chinese restaurant on all of Long Island. But, still, we are Jews. And what other things aside from Chinese food are important to us?
Of course, it’s not only dressing right (“REMEMBER YOUR UMBRELLA and GALOSHES!”), but also saving you money. The more money you have, of course, the more often you can dine out at one of our highly recommended Chinese Restaurants (Frequently check our Reviews and Rankings!)
As a public service, we’ve made the Chinese Quest your one stop shop for finding discounts for dining out (check click on our, Groupon, and Living Social banners on the upper right side of the blog, and find more discount banners throughout the blog including discounts at, and so many more. Banners for all can be found here. And without their support we wouldn’t be able to fund our Quest).
And now we’re proud to help you find the lowest gas prices in your area (or the area where the restaurant is that you’re going to dining out at it). And to help you dress appropriately, the current weather and forecast for any zip code that you plug in. We’ve defaulted both “widgets” to Farmingdale, NY as a central spot on Long Island. But, both widgets will allow you to enter a zip code to provide personalized, and customized, information right at your fingers (or chop sticks!, if you prefer not to touch the keyboard, or screen if you’re using a tablet or smartphone, with your fingers).
For now, as we’re piloting these two initiatives, we’ve placed these widgets at the bottom. If popular demand, or request, asks us to move them closer to the top of the blog, we will certainly entertain those thoughts. For, we always welcome all feedback, comments, and suggestions (click on “Contact Us” to provide such).
Thank you as always. loyal friends and followers.
Humbly submitted for your consumption,
Mee Magnum (“Chop! Chop!”)