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The Land of Plenty
…Plenty of Chinese restaurants to dine at that is!
It’s good to be back. I’m sure I was missed. By some. A few? Perhaps some one?
I did it. I managed not to succumb to the urge to eat “foreign” Chinese food while I was out my comfort zone, where my knowledge of local restaurants is less than nothing.
And the good news is that we are going out on a Quest next week. It promises to be our most adventurous adventure yet. Travelling to visit bold new worlds and exploring new (yet ancient) civilizations. This won’t be your typical Island adventure.
So, Mee is excited to be back on Long Island. Excited I’m getting to see my Bro’s next week, and thrilled to be trying a new restaurant.
Enough with the bland offerings we’ve encountered the past two Quests. Chefs all around be on high alert, and be prepared to dazzle us with your finest creations. Mee, we, and us, will be watching you! And we will be writing about it.
So, that’s it for today, a short and sweet post to whet your appetite for our next Quest, and for Mee to express my gratitude to be back on Long Island.
I’m hungry my friends. I hope you are too!
–Mee Magnum (“Chop! Chop!”)