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Those born in the Year of the Rat manage a budget like none others. Their aptitude for numbers is remarkable.
Another amazing personality trait of this Zodiac Sign is their quick-mindedness that applies to nearly any situation they encounter, making them highly successful in life.
The Chinese Rat has charm but they have no issue with being frank when necessary, using their nearly photographic memory as a record of who, what and when.
This Chinese Zodiac animal can skitter out of the way of trouble, using their naturally anxious energy, and they’re also very adept at hiding personal secrets in a proverbial mouse hole. Nearly conversely, other people’s secrets become “public domain” for the Rat’s sharp teeth.
Some of the keynotes of the Rat personality include watchfulness, energy, humor, tidiness and flexibility. They have a work ethic par none and use it to feed their hunger for material things. Rats have natural curiosity but also have a fearful side that holds them back. Even with all this, Rats do not make good leaders because people consider them inflexible.
Chinese Zodiac Rat Compatibility
In terms of relationships, as a Chinese Rat you take love to heart, literally. They love their home to be filled with good food and pleasant partners.
In terms of love compatibility, the Rat generally pairs best with the Chinese Monkey and Chinese Dragon.
Chinese Zodiac Rat Children
If you’ve given birth to a Rat, this child is smart as a whip and highly socialized. They have strong verbal and written communication skills, and adore books. Wait, you’ll find that pile under the bed complete with a flashlight or two.
The key struggle with the Rat is a tendency to want to keep things (and people) for themselves. Sharing isn’t one of their best attributes unless its absolutely equitable.
Metaphysical Associations
The Chinese Rat’s metaphysical correspondences in this astrological system include the Color Red, Direction of North and the Master Number 11 in Numerology.
Chinese Zodiac Posts supplied by The Chinese Quest Groupie – Lucky Mee (Bernadette King of .
Learn more about the Chinese Zodiac Sign of Rat.
Delve into the symbolism and meaning of the Color Red, the Direction of North and the Master Number 11 in Numerology.
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