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2021 The Year of the Ox

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Lucky Mee (Bernadette King of BuildingBeautifulSouls.com) teaches us all about The Ox.  2021 is the Year of the Ox, which starts on February 12, 2021.  Read this now and be prepared on the 12th to share your expertise with friends and family.  Maybe you will score a free appetizer or two.

Chinese Zodiac Ox Traits & PersonalityIf we had to sum up the Chinese Ox in one word it would be endurance.

This Chinese Zodiac Sign has amazing stamina on all levels of being!

Even so, the Ox is not interested in rushing and abusing all that energy. They would rather take the slow-steady approach, erring on the side of conventional wisdom. Some might even call them old-fashioned.

Progress doesn’t come quickly to those born in The Year of the Ox, but it does come by way of unending determination. Ever heard the phrase “Slow and steady wins the race”? An Ox came up with that!

Chinese Ox people have a strong sense of honor and ethics. If they say something, you can trust in it and when they shape relationships, they’ll endure.

In terms of challenging personality traits, Ox can be somewhat biased and demanding. If they put down their hoof, there is no weakness involved. Should they reach the point of anger – just get out of the way (quickly). They need to blow off a whole lot of steam before even considering another perspective.

Ox keynotes include honesty, simplicity patient, and vigilance. They take time making decisions and have a base-line aptitude for honoring tradition. Family and work both rank highly in their mind and spirit.

Chinese Zodiac Ox Compatibility

In relationships, it’s easy to find an Ox partner ungainly in romance. They lumber through affectionate shows and certainly don’t wear their heart on a sleeve. Once they find the right partner, however, true to Ox form – it’s eternal. If having someone in your life who is as straight and true as the arrow flies then you’ll love being in love with this Chinese New Year Animal.

The best matches for Ox are the Chinese Snake and Chinese Rooster.  [Ed:  Mee Magnum is a Rooster]

Chinese Zodiac Ox Children

Growing up the Ox child isn’t a chatter bug – in fact, you might worry about the lack of communication. This has a lot to do with the need for privacy and an overly serious nature. The best gift a parent can give their Ox child is a consistent, dependable routine that provides a comfort zone.

Metaphysical Associations

The Chinese Oxen’s metaphysical correspondences in this astrological system include the color Blue, Direction of North, and the Number 1 in Numerology.

Chinese Zodiac Posts supplied by The Chinese Quest Groupie – Lucky Mee (Bernadette King of BuildingBeautifulSouls.com).

Learn much more about the Chinese Zodiac Sign of Ox.

Learn more about Chinese New Year with our Top 10 Interesting Facts about Chinese New Year.

Delve into the symbolism and meaning of the color Blue, the Direction of North, and the Number 1 in Numerology.

Gung Hay Fat Choy!!

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