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…write my memoirs of last year! So many thoughts go through my head at the end of a year… Did I accomplish everything that I wanted to accomplish last year? What do I want to achieve this year? With such a rush of thoughts it’s hard to focus! I needed an inspiration. And as I often do at times like this I turn to Wonton Soup! Nothing puts me more in the mood to … umm, write, than Chinese food. Especially when I’m writing about Chinese food!
I wanted to really narrow this article down… to condense this past year in to the three most meaningful moments for this Mee. There were a lot of great memories to cull down to just the three most memorable ones. Last year was an incredible year! We redesigned our blog. We dabbled in to wine. We gained lots of Followers on Twitter. Loads of people Liked us on Facebook. We ventured out in to other social media channels. Who knows what the coming year will bring? Hmm… perhaps I will save that for another article!
So, without too much further ado (and I do love to ado, don’t I do? Mee thinks those might make good song lyrics. Anyone care to write us a song?), I present the three most memorable moments from last year:
Last Year’s Most Memorable Moments
#3 Memory: Being written up in a featured article by Blank Slate Media ( and appearing in The Williston Times, The New Hyde Park Herald Courier , The Great Neck News, The Roslyn Times, and The Manhasset Times. The article was titled “Roslyn Chamber Members on Quest for Best Chinese (Restaurant)“. Click on the name of the article title to be read the entire article. Oh fame and recognition, how we love thee!
#2 Memory: Perhaps because it’s freshest in mind, or perhaps it’s because I found it to be a really good meal and experience. Combing truly authentic Chinese food with a wonderful waitstaff along with great friends filled with Holiday Cheer, I really enjoyed our dinner at Pine Court Chinese Bistro in Little Neck, NY. While it didn’t even crack our top 10 list of Chinese Restaurants (Click here for the “Official Chinese Quest Rankings of Chinese Restaurants“), it left a lingering memory with this Mee. We officially reviewed 12 Chinese Restaurants last year, but this one stood out amongst the others, and if I had to choose one from the dozen Chinese restaurants to go back to, this would be my choice. Though make sure that you check out ALL of our reviews of Chinese restaurants and try a few out. And please let us know if you agree with our reviews!
#1 Memory: Combine my second and third best memories of last year and you come up with my number one memory of last year. Fame, Fortune, Newspapers, AND Chinese food! Back at the end of August we were joined on our Quest by Erica Marcus, the esteemed Food Reviewer for Newsday! What an honor! She even brought a camera-person with her (but, we fear we may have broken her lens. For we have never seen any of the pictures that were taken — if ever a motley crew were the Chinese Quest, whose faces clearly were made for blogging and not for television, we be them! Sorry Bro’s… please don’t take offense. I was merely talking about myself and also going for the cheap laugh 😉 ). We dined at a restaurant that neither of us had ever been to, Ancient Ginger in St. James, NY. We tried our best to be ourselves and give a meaningful and objective review of the restaurant. The food was good. The memories… PRICELESS!
What were your favorite memories of last year? What are you resolving to do this year?
Humbly submitted for your consumption,
—Mee Magnum (“Chop! Chop!”)