Home » Chop Suey » The Take-Out Take-Down – Quarterfinals

The Take-Out Take-Down – Quarterfinals

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The Bracket is Live

But, unlike that other contest, you don’t have to wait a few days for the action to start.  It starts NOW!  And you’re the action.  You make it happen.  Forget about luck!  You will determine the winner.  Intrigued?  Read on…

Join us in voting in The Chinese Quest’s 1st Take-Out Take-Down contest.  Vote for your favorite type of restaurant to take out lunch or dinner, whether you are at work or in the comfort of your own home. What are you hankering for usually when you take out?  Chinese?   Pizza?  Hamburgers?  Something else?  What are you waiting for?  Let’s get started with four quarterfinal matches!

Here’s how the contest will run.  Over the course of the next six weeks we will whittle down from eight types of takeout food, down to the Final Four.  The semi-finals will give us our two finalists.  They will then go head to head in the final of The Chinese Quest’s Take-Out Take-Down.

Which type of take out food will reign supreme??  It’s all up to YOU!

Take-Down-Take-OutThere are four head-to-head contests in the first round.  Make sure that you cast your vote in each one.  Keep scrolling down.  Choose.  Then watch the action unfold.  There are no commercial breaks.  Just pure excitement.  Can you feel it?  I know you can!

Don’t forget to share the link on social media networks. This gives opportunity to promote the ballot to everyone.

Humbly submitted for your consumption,

Mee Magnum  (“Chop!  Chop!”)

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  1. I really love this quarterfinals that you all have made up to tell what take out places are the best. I really think that it would be fun to incorporate this into a local marketing campaign for local restaurants. I live in a town where there is a lot of take out. In fact, we have a lot of local restaurants that are more popular than the chain ones and I think that something like this would be very valuable to them.

    • Faylinn,

      That’s a great idea! I think what might work even better, rather than pitting generic category vs. generic category, might be a contest within each category. For example, which restaurant serves the best burger? (or slice of pizza? Chinese food? bagel?)

      What do you think?


  2. In very early quarterfinal action, the top three seeds got off to fast starts and form is holding. In the quarterfinal match up of the #4 and #5 seeds, Sandwiches & Subs vs. Chicken are neck and chicken neck as they jostle for the lead … YOUR vote in ALL the matches will have a make all the difference between moving on and going home.

  3. Did your favorite take-out food not make the bracket? Sound off below!!

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