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Rice is probably the first thing people think about when they hear of Chinese food. It is truly the basis of a huge number of dishes here. The thing is that there are many more, which are definitely worth a try. Besides, China is popular with its unusual dishes, which are able to frighten some people. Traditional Chinese cuisine includes cooked whole grains, which is made of corns, millet and Japanese sorghum.
A fluffy porridge is made of rice and a thin porridge, which Chinese have for breakfast. Many courses include soy oil, soy milk, and soy curds in China. There are thousands of recipes out of fresh, vinegar-cured and dried soy curds. They just love dark brown thin sauce and liquid salt pasta made of soybeans. Pulse crops are the main protein sources in food of Chinese people. Beans replace meat, consumption of which is very limited.
If to talk about meat, pork is widely used. As for beef and lamb, it is consumed not that often. Sauces are the main thing about Chinese food, it is all about exotic combinations of tastes and aromas. There are plenty of them in China and they make courses delicate and inimitable. There are not that many of unusual and non-traditional courses and they are made for the purpose to surprise the tourists.
The main national dishes of Chinese cuisine:
Peking style duck, which is Peking special. A slice of the duck is put onto a thin cake, covered with onions and dipped into soy sauce.
Fresh river fish is quite of a separate course with different names, which is for sale in Shanghai, Hangzhou and Suzhou.
Kong Bao chicken a tender chicken meat with a crispy crust baked deviled and sauced.
About the author:
Melisa Marzett is a huge fan of Chinese food. She writes for Online Paper Editing Company, but she takes every chance to write a piece when it comes to food, especially Chinese. So it was a pleasure for her to provide The Chinese Quest with an article on national Chinese dishes and hopefully not a less pleasure for its readers to get acquainted with it.
The Chinese Quest welcomes original articles pertaining to the Chinese dining experience. Your article should pertain to Chinese restaurants, Chinese food, recipes, etc. For more information, please contact us.
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This year of the pig, I am teaching grade 7 ELA and Humanities at the Mineola MS. We would like to try sharing your site with students, many of whom are not familiar with authentic Chinese cuisine.
If you can spare the time before the Lunar New Year, would you consider writing to my students? At our in-class celebration on or about Tuesday, February 5th, what dishes might you suggest for those new, adventurous eaters?
Also, if your site is one propelled by your passions, could you tell us more about how you folks decided to write and share your knowledge?
Michael Kandel
That is awesome. We, by no means, are experts in Chinese cuisine. But we do enjoy the bold rich flavor of authentic Chinese cuisine which to us, just tastes so much better and is healthier, than Americanized Chinese food. We are five friends that love exploring new Chinese food and to boldly go where the tradition American palate hasn’t been to. Yet!
How did our Quest begin? A few years ago Rob moved to Huntington, where Paul has lived for years. He asked Paul, “where is the best Chinese restaurant around here?”. Paul said in all the years he’s lived there he hasn’t found a good one.
When the five of us were out having Chinese food one night shortly after that. Paul and Rob told us of that conversation. We decided then and there to make it out Quest to find the best Chinese restaurant on Long Island. And I came up with the ides to chronicle out Quest. And this was born The Chinese Quest!
We started in February 2013. To date we have eaten at, and reviewed, over 80 Chinese restaurants. And we still haven’t found the best. Yet!
Newsday got wind of our Quest, and Erica Marcus dined with us a few times. A few years ago she wrote a two and a half page article about us in the Newsday Food Section. Newsday sent a videographer to film us after the article came out.
But to us, it’s just a great excuse for the five of us to get together every month. We always have a great time. And I love to write.
I’m so glad you enjoy our blog!
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