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This is the third interview in our series, called Welcome to Tummy Talk. Today we are interviewing Mee V. Stoogas (MVS). MVS is a native Long Islander. He lives in Suffolk County. He has a beautiful daughter and grandchild. Not a man of many words, but he knows what he likes!
Tummy Talk (TT): Thank you, Mee V. Stoogas, for taking time out of your very busy schedule to chat with us.
MVS: You’re welcome. My time is your time, and we’d have even more time if we were eating Chinese food.
TT: Can you tell our readers a bit more about your love of Chinese food?
MVS: All I can remember is that my family went out for Chinese food almost every Sunday evening. I used to love the pupu platter. My mother used to always order chicken chow mein every time. Today, my go to dish is chicken chow mein. Thank you Mom!
TT: What’s the furthest you’ve ever traveled to enjoy Chinese food?
MVS: San Francisco
TT: What in particular is the first impression you take when you enter a Chinese restaurant?
MVS: How many Asians are eating there! Because when I go in to a Jewish Deli I look for members of my tribe.
TT: What’s your favorite dish?
MVS: Because of Mom, chicken chow mein. How boring!
TT: Why the Quest?
MVS: Well, Mee Tsu Yan moved from where he was living in Nassau County to Suffolk County. And since I lived in Suffolk County, he asked me where a good Chinese restaurant was. I told him I was not so sure and we should start a quest to find a real good Chinese restaurant. So the Quest started. Then we added our fellow Mee’s.
TT: Are there any secrets you can share, or stories you’ve never told anyone else?
MVS: No. Then that wouldn’t be a secret, would it?
TT: What do you hope to accomplish on the Quest in the coming year?
MVS: To find the best Chinese restaurant that we all agree upon is the best wherever it may take us.
TT: What about the future?
MVS: To keep eating Chinese food. I know it’s my favorite food in the whole world!
TT: Would you ever try a different type of food?
MVS: Yes.
TT: I want to thank you for your time. Are there any parting words you have for our readers?
MVS: Stay Calm and Eat Chinese Food!