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I just wanted to take a minute to welcome all our new readers and followers!  Newsday was very good bringing us all this new exposure!  Thank you Newsday!

For those of you that are new to us, I’m sure you came here because you heard we are on this magical quest to find the best Chinese Restaurant on all of Long Island.  And, we are!  And, we will!

So, while it is true that we go out an review restaurants throughout Nassau and Suffolk County, and we post those reviews on this blog, it is also true that we write a lot of other witty, informative, thought provoking, inspirational, satirical, and intelligent posts about Jews and Chinese Food.

We know, that as a result, our Reviews can get “lost” amongst all the non-Review posts that we make.  So that our readers can find all of our Reviews easily we have posted copies (ok, it happens automatically.  But, if you want to think that we go to all this extra effort to copy and paste — or, if you think we re-type the posts again, you need more sake!) on to their own dedicated page.  And we gave this page a rather whimsical title of “Reviews“.  Very imaginative, and creative of us, isn’t it?  In case you haven’t caught on yet, I can be very sarcastic, and I’m a master of self deprecation (Hey, I’ve got a LOT of good material to work with, so I might as well utilize it to its full advantage!)

So, you might be asking yourself now, how do I find, or get to, this page of Reviews?  The answer my friends is very simple.  You see just above our most gorgeous banner there’s a navigation bar.  And, if my memory, and counting are correct, it should be the third item from the left (Yes, I know we’re Jews, but we are not writing in Hebrew, so we will count from the left, and not the right.  Right?  Good!).  The third menu item from the left is “Reviews“.  And guess what happens when you click on it?  Wait for it.  Wait for it…. you go to the Reviews Page!!

In addition, if you’re not near the top of the blog, you won’t even see that banner.  So, what’s a reader to do?  Well, you’ll see in the upper right hand corner of the page there’s a box labeled “Menu”.  When you hover your mouse over that box, it will magically open up, and the third item down (just like in Chinese!) is lo mein, and behold, “Reviews“.  Click on that, and that too will take you directly to the Reviews Page!

Here’s one more hint.  Did you notice that “Reviews” is underlined everywhere in this post?  Well, the underline means it’s a hyperlink.  And, if you click on it, it will also take you to the Reviews Page!

And the last way is by clicking on our fickle finger of fate below which will also take you to our Reviews Page!

Link to Reviews Page


So, there you have it.  You know now where to find all our Reviews in one neat, and tidy place.

Thank you again to Newsday, and welcome all ye new readers, and followers.

Stay hungry my new-found friends!

— Mee Magnum  (Chop!  Chop!)

P.S.  Please don’t forget to follow us on Twitter at http://www.twitter.com/thechinesequest

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