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Thy Will be Done
So, the team decided to have a little pow wow next Wednesday. We’re going to be brainstorming our next journey’s, and we’re going to bring the rest of the team’s blogging IQ up. Some of us are novices at this… But, thankfully we’re ALL experts at eating Chinese food, and knowing good Chinese food when we eat it.
Believe it or not, we all have jobs, other obligations, and belong to other associations. But, this is becoming bigger than all five of us put together.
We’ve got people emailing us; Tweeting suggestions; Posting comments on the blog; And, generally letting us know that they’re in full support of our effort. Truly, who doesn’t want the very best in Chinese food when they go out?
And, you know us Jews… we don’t want to be wasting time and money. No. We just want the best. After all, we do deserve it. And so do you! So, piggyback on our quest, and we’ll lead you to the promised land. The land of plenty, and the land of good. Good and plentiful Chinese food. What could possibly be better?
Thank goodness that an hour later you’ll want more! And we’ll tell you where to get that too!
For now, stay hungry my friends.
-Mee Magnum “Chop Chop!”
Asian food is every bit as diverse as it is delicious. I used to think that I knew Asian foods growing up. You see, we used to go out to Chinese and practically every weekend. They were a couple Chinese restaurants in the neighborhood, and they were perfect for us kids. They were greasy, flavorful, and we got a cookie at the end of every meal. What more could a child ask for?..
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