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Mee Tsu Yan HAS done the impossible, and topped even himself with his latest creation! I never would have thought it possible (you have to see some of his other graphic designs!), but seeing IS believing!
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For your viewing pleasure (To those who are not worthy: Please lower your eyes), our blog is now blessed to be showcasing his logo on the left, and also a small glimpse of the banner near the top of our right navigation bar. If you happen to see this glorious banner, HIS glorious banner (nay, our almighty Flag, Emblem, and calling) on other websites, please make sure you click on the link, and leave a comment here on this thread to let us know where the moment struck you, and you too saw the light, and follow the road to enlightened taste buds and gastrointestinal delights.
We all daven to the great Mee Tsu Yan’s artistic talents! Just remember, if you see him in public, you may gawk, you may swoon, and you may beg for his attention or to touch him. But, please do it from afar (And, sorry girls, Mee Tsu Yan is married!), and in a most respectful manner. And we vow to protect him, as we do to each other, our brother, may the artistic spirit within you continue to blossom like the lotus on the Yangzse River from which your name must surely have derived. L’Chaim!
Thank you again, Tsu Yan.
— Mee Magnum “Chop Chop!”