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5 Ways to Taste Wine Properly

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As many of you know, we love to enjoy some wine at times when we are eating Chinese food, so we invited a wine expert, Harold Camaya, to write an article on the proper ways to taste wine.  Here is what Harold wrote for us: “5 Ways to Taste Wine Properly”.

Many of us search for definite ways to taste wine in the proper fashion. Not only does that help us in enhancing our overall experience but also allows us to explore more about the wine. Since wine tasting is no less than an art you acquire, it is necessary we follow the correct ways to evaluate the wine comprehensively. No longer do you have to behold a drink without knowing its nature. This article shall thus provide you with a slew of tips to taste your wine the right way for the next time you have it.


Photo by Zachariah Hagy on Unsplash

Make the conditions right

It is an absolute necessity to maintain a conducive surrounding and conditions before you go on to taste your wine. Keep it devoid of any sort of scents, smells and noises around you in the background. This shall ensure that your concentration remains unwavering and all the senses remain at rest. The temperature of the wine also plays a vital role in having an insight into it. Although drinks like Corralejo tequila and Laphroaig 18 taste best when chilled, make sure your wine remains warm during the process. Stir it a bit before you go on to have a sip.

Pouring of the wine

Contrary to the popular belief, how you pour your wine into the glass is as important a step as any. This allows for the texture of the wine to remain intact throughout. Cleanse the glass properly. Bend the rim of the glass inwards and pour the wine into the glass slowly for the aromas to reach your nose. An inch of wine in the glass would be well enough.

Sight assessment

Once your glass of wine is filled, it is now time to evaluate it. Tilt the glass a bit for the wine to become thinner as it comes towards the edges. Look down on it to have a sense of its depth and consistency. Thicker wine is indicative of its age and good quality. Further, hold the glass straight and have a look at it against some light. This allows for knowing how clear, harmonious and unfiltered the wine is.

Evaluation by sniffing

On having a good look at the wine, it is now the time to assess the aromas of it. Swirl the glass a bit and take in short breaths of the wine as you sniff from the rim of the glass. This can enable you to ascertain the character of the wine effectively. Not only does the aroma help in knowing about the age of the wine, but also aids in knowing all the flavors of the fruits and flora that are in it.

Having a taste

It is now the time to take a sip of the wine. Take a slow sip off the glass as you allow it to circulate in your mouth. This shall give you a comprehensive idea about the fruits and flavors added to the wine. Besides, tasting the wine can inform us as to how balanced, harmonious and complete the wine is. Try not to swallow it if you have to taste a range of wines and spit it out into a vessel. Well-blended and integrated wine suggests the quality of the wine. Don’t forget to pop out a cigar from your cigar humidor cabinet for a wonderful experience to go along with the wine.

Known to grow the good quality of grapes, wines prepared in China are fast gaining a huge market nowadays. It is thus on its way to becoming one of the primary producers of wine in the world. Since you are now aware of the ways to taste your wine, give these a try the next time you indulge in it to have best of experience.

Author Bio:

Harold Camaya

Harold is a blogger who loves to write in different verticals. Harold co-authored Supercharge Organic Traffic: A popular course focusing on Organic Traffic for Ecommerce. Harold’s hobbies are travelling and reading novels.

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