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6600 Jericho Turnpike in Syosset is where Chinese restaurants go to die. This location is the site of such long forgotten eateries such as Tao, Dao, Ao, and Hao. ( I know, it sounds like a Chinese law firm, right?) I wrote an article a few years back about this haunted address – see TAO, DAO, AO, HAO (BROWN COW). Well it seems a Phoenix is rising from the ashes. A total renovation is ongoing to open up yet again another Chinese restaurant. MASTER CHEF looks to be a very different type of dining.
On the website, it is touted as high end, Modern Chinese cuisine. The website ( states the goals of this new culinary experience:
“Our goals are to serve traditional Chinese food without the stigma of being inedible, takeout food or contain various animals that no one eats. By incorporating Chinese culinary arts into the fine dining experience with western aesthetics, it changes the concept of Chinese food and changes the stereotype. Currently authentic Chinese restaurants are only serving a microscope to the millions of Chinese dishes. Master Chef is the melting pot of 5,000 years of Chinese culinary arts fused with American culinary preferences”
The website goes on to say “you can simply select your choice of meats, seafood, vegetables and watch the chef create your fresh and succulent dish right before your eyes”. I interpret this to mean that the food is prepared table side, although I have no idea if that is correct. The photos of the dishes look incredible, and the interior looks really elegant. I have a feeling that this meal will set you back a few shekels.
Feel secure to know that The Chinese Quest will be on hand to give its honest, unbiased, and professional review once it opens.
On the website, it states that the Grand Opening will be coming soon, but by the look of the construction, I am not sure that “soon” is the correct term. I feel pretty good that based on what I read, Master Chef will outperform its predecessors, and I certainly hope so for the owners – it looks like they sunk a small fortune into 6600 Jericho Turnpike.
I wish them Good Luck, and I cannot wait to try it!
Until the review,
Mee Tsu Yan
Please share this article to let others know about Master Chef!
Any word yet on a Grand Opening date?
you guys really need to visit San Gabriel Valley, Los Angeles. We got so many great Chinese restaurants here at the West Coast too! 😀
We would love for you to be our west coast correspondent.
This sure looks a lot different than what was there before, Golden Temple II
This is so exciting. And you know we love a Grand Opening… and being the center of attention… and… and… I’m hungry!!
When are they opening??
Are they taking reservations yet?