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When is East West?

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Hello Mark Twain

Who says East is east and never the twain shall meet? Clearly, it’s someone that doesn’t know poetry!  And, it wouldn’t be Mark Twain either!

East Can be to the West, when a Lotus turns in to a Pearl!  Sounds like a fortune cookie?  Something Confucius would say?  Or, is it simply a Mee’s prerogative to change his mind?  Yes, it clearly is!  Clear you say?  Clear I write!  Just follow along.

East we were headed… to the promised land.  The Orient? Israel? No, east again as in Suffolk County.  To Lotus East in St. James. Even the name sound exotic, and I’m sure some alluring dishes, and enchanted adventures awaited us on the 24th of April.

Having failed though to check his Sun Dial, a large Mee neglected to notice that his Mini Mee had plans for that day, and booked his reservation.  So, the Mee’s being as resourceful as they are, regrouped, and rather than completely drop plans they only slightly altered them as only a Mee can be, the consulted the Grand Oyster, and a Lotus became a Pearl, and thus they were able to keep to their mission, and keep their responsibilities.  Instead of going to Lotus East, they will be going to Pearl East in Manhasset, whilest the Mini Mee masters the martial arts and attends his Judo class.

And so we come full circle, our tale complete, as only a Mee can tell you thus, as to how we can turn a Lotus in to a Pearl.

Stick around, we have so much more to teach.  But, will you be will you have the stomach to learn?  We know you’re hungry.  And we’ll lead you to the Promised Land.

Stay hungry my friends.

— Mee Magnum  Chop!  Chop!

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