Home » Chop Suey » A to Z Challenge » “X” is for Xièxie 谢谢 (Thank You) #AtoZChallenge @AprilA2Z

“X” is for Xièxie 谢谢 (Thank You) #AtoZChallenge @AprilA2Z

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X-XieXie-Thank-You-AtoZChallenge谢谢 – xièxie – (pronounced as ‘Shi-eh Shi-eh‘) means “Thank You” in Chinese.

It’s been wonderful to participate in the A to Z Blogging Challenge (we’re not done yet.  Two more letters to go!).  It’s certainly been a thrill.  You’ve been such a lovely audience for reading all our blog posts this month that we just wanted to say a big Xièxie 谢谢

I have discovered some great blogs along the way, and made some new friends too.  If you’d like to check out some other blogs who participated in the Great 2015 A to Z Blogging Challenge, go to http//www.a-to-zchallenge.com

I would also like to say Thank you to:


Thank You!

All the wonderful Chinese restaurants that we have reviewed so far.  You didn’t know we were coming.  You didn’t know that we were reviewing you.  You put up with our shenanigans.  And you served us some great Chinese food.  Thank you!

Bernadette King – our resident Yenta and guiding light.  You inspired us to follow our bliss, and encouraged us along the way to keeping searching for that pot of gold at the end rainbow.  You are indeed, a beautiful soul.  We thank you not only for that, but for all the articles that you have written for the Chinese Quest, including the series of articles on the Chinese Zodiac Calendar.  And a giant that you for connecting us to Joachim Bulemela.

Joachim rebuilt our website almost a year ago.  What a tremendous improvement.  We have gained visibility; increased our Search Engine Results and Rankings.  Our website now looks so professional and polished.  We are grateful for your skills and patience.  We are a LOT to put up with, and your work speaks for itself.

Should anyone else need help with their blog, or setting up a website, I could not give a stronger endorsement to give to anyone than to Bernadette King and Joachim Bulemela.

Chinese Quest Featured in NewsdayThank you to Erica Marcus of Newsday, who thought that The Chinese Quest would make a great story… And what she ended up creating was a full two-page masterpiece that appeared on February 19, 2015 in the ExploreLI section, as well as paraphrasing some of our Chinese restaurant reviews.  Prior to that, Erin Geismar of Newsday discovered our Twitter Feed shortly after The Chinese Quest was launched back in February 2013, and highlighted it in Newsday as a follow-worthy Twitter feed!

Newsday sent a videographer, Jeffrey Basinger, to try to capture The Chinese Quest in action. What Jeff created, and edited, is nothing short of a cinematography masterpiece, “5 Jewish guys on a Chinese food quest“.

I’m also thankful for some guest articles that have been submitted to The Chinese Quest.  We welcome original, unpublished articles from anyone who would like to appear on our blog.  The author will receive full credit, along with links back to their website and/or blog.  Please contact us if you would like to submit an article for consideration.  One such person to take advantage of this offer is Richard Brody, under the pen name of Mee Rich Yee, who has had numerous articles published on The Chinese Quest.  We thank you, Rich, for your articles!

And last, but certainly not least, my fellow Mee’s.  I look forward to getting together each month.  It doesn’t matter where we go.  It truly doesn’t matter how good the food is.  All that matters is that we are together and we always ALWAYS have a really great time.  I will cherish your friendships and, our bond, forever.  Thank you!

And to anyone who I may have inadvertently missed, a giant THANK YOU to you all!

Xièxie 谢谢

Humbly submitted for your consumption,

Mee Magnum  (“Chop!  Chop!”)

P.S.  The greatest gifts of thanks that we can receive is if you share our blog, Like us on Facebook, or Follow us on Twitter.

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  1. “Xie Xie” is the only word my Chinese flatmate could teach me. Chinese keeps slipping out of my mind.

    It was a great right guys! I enjoyed your challenge a lot. I learned some new things, I could share others. And above all, I had the possibility of discovering you! 😉

    See you soon.

  2. Great, as usual. I now know how to say thank you in Chinese… always useful.

  3. Sounds like it’s been a fun challenge!

    Visiting from A to Z

  4. “Xie Xie” is one of the first Chinese phrases I’ve learned.
    I live in Japan, and our writing system includes the Chinese characters borrowed from China centuries ago. Chinese cuisine has also had a great influence on Japanese dishes.

    I’m happy to have come across your interesting blog through A-to-Z Challenge.

    ありがとう (arigatou) –Thank you.

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