The Mid-Autumn Festival, also known as the Moon Festival, is primarily celebrated in east and southeast Asia and coincides with the fall harvest during the brightest and fullest moon. This year the festival is celebrated on September 21, 2021. As part of the celebration, lanterns of all sizes and shapes, are carried and displayed. They serve as symbolic beacons that light people’s paths to prosperity and good fortune. Click to read more and check out a bonus recipe!
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#YearOfTheRooster Lion Dance Celebrates #ChineseNewYear
The Lion Dance celebrates the start of the Chinese New Year. This being the Year of the Rooster, one may wonder why it's not a Rooster Dance. Have you ever seen a Rooster Dance? Enough said! Now read the rest of the story!
Read More »Chinese New Year’s – Why a Lion (Dance)?
Nothing symbolizes the celebration of the Chinese New Year's than the Lion Dance! Entire cities come out to celebrate this joyous holiday. And the best of the Lion's compete in the International Lion Dance Competition. Check some of these Lions out...
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