MOGU, Modern Chinese Kitchen, with their passion for flavor, and obsession with freshness is taking Long Island by storm. You won't find a frying pan in their kitchen, you'll be amazed by what you will find on your plate! Hungry for Chinese? Read about MOGU by clicking the link!
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10 Surprising Chinese Foods and Ingredients
There are many differences between Western culture and Chinese culture, and once you venture into their land, you will definitely see that food is one of them. Chinese food culture revolves around wasting as little food as possible and using every material available. Because of that, we are bound to find some surprising ingredients in their food. Let us know if you have used any of these ingredients, and if you plan on trying some now!
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The following guest article, was submitted by Gail Cole. The Chinese Quest welcomes original articles pertaining to the Chinese dining experience. Your article should pertain to Chinese restaurants, Chinese food, etc. For more information, please contact us. Yin and yang dates back to ancient China. The belief that everything in the universe is consigned into two forces that are opposing but harmonious ...
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